Tai Chi – Qigong at hospitals

A series of 4 to 6 Qigong (Chee Kung) workshops as part of staff well being.

Qigong is an ancient form of exercise that promotes the flow of Chi (vital energy) through the body. Its aim is to cultivate, focus and balance the flow of Chi within the body, relaxing the mind and strengthening and improving health.

Even with a small amount of practice Qigong can invigorate and provide a powerful antidote to stress. The positive effects in those practising regularly are significant and I have no doubts of the benefits and rewards which will bring to the staff.

I have been practising Qigong and Tai Chi for more than 20 years and run weekly classes in Sudbury, where I live. I also do regular workshops at the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge.

The workshops aim to cover the following:

  • posture alignment
  • stretching exercises
  • moving and still Qigong
  • breathing exercises
  • meditation
  • advice on how to incorporate daily practice in our everyday lives.

It is fun, non- competitive and suitable for all ages and abilities.

I am also a fully qualified Shiatsu practitioner and can, in addition to or instead of the  Qigong workshops, offer one to one 30 minute shiatsu treatments for those who prefer this.